Daniel Craig Workout

Thanks to some interesting finds on the internet, I want to credit http://danielcraigworkout.wordpress.com for the excellent work they've done to come up with the work out regime Daniel Craig has followed to star as James Bond in the upcoming movie, "Quantum of Solace".  Receiving much buzz after Casino Royale was aired, Daniel Craig has done 6 weeks of intense rigorous training to look like what he does now. For all of you wondering, wonder no more! 

According to danielcraigworkout.wordpress.com:

The James Bond workout was performed over six week. - contrast that with Brad Pitts workout plan which took place over a seven-month period.

The workout program itself is very simple. You will perform four sets of each exercise of 15 repetitions using proper form. During week one.

In week 2 the workout changes. You would perform 10 repetitions of each exercise and increase all your weights by 10%.

Week 3 - you were to perform 20 repetitions in all your weights return to what they were during week one.

Week 4 - your repetitions change to eight per exercise and you will increase your resistance by 5% of what you are using during week two.

Week 5 - perform 25 repetitions at the weight used during week one.

Week 6 - perform six repetitions of each exercise and increase your weight 5% from used during week four.

The workout itself is a very basic compound movement workout. The movements that you use are - clean and jerk - squats - bench press - pull-ups/chin-ups - triceps - lateral rotation - bicep curls - and three ab movements.

The circuit is to performed 3 to 4 times per week - every other day. That in a nutshell is the James Bond workout that Daniel Craig followed.


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